You won't see so much stone and fine craftsmanship anywhere...and we've been to Peru.
And somehow the turbulence of its heroes, villains, myths and legends are imbued in a national psyche that remains defiant to the English and globalism. Hurray to the Scots.
So come. Do check out the Royal Mile and its warren of cobblestoned alleys, nooks and crannies.
But it's the walks, the finely preserved architecture, the cathedrals that may not be laiden with tourist parapharnelia that stand out. And these are everywhere.
Okay, we were here off season, and August sees half of Europe here, but the highlands and the off beaten track hoods and walks are no less impressive.
And the homebrew, my God--thanks to Mike, I tasted real beer--real flavour. Kinda like discovering chocolate as a four yr old.
No way we got to do everything we wanted. Can you believe we never got time to do the Royal Brittania Yacht, or a distillery? But a well paced but non-rushed speed is our style, and staying with mates tempers our gallop while spicing the history lessons. Guess that means we come back later.