Thursday, September 3, 2015

Don't Call Me Iceland

We brought longjohns, gloves n toques and havent needed them so far...and only now, on our 6th and last full day in Iceland  have we met significant rain.
 It's a good day to peck away at this blog.
 While we've seen glaciers and snow, we wonder if they have anymore than we do. And with climate change, Iceland is in danger of losing it's ice, and it cred. Should that happen, here are possible new names.

  1. Mordor
  2. Trollville
  3. Lavaland
  4. Fraggle Rock
  5.  Waterworld
  6.  Bedrock
  7.  Vulcan
  8.  Expensive
  9. Republic of Thor and Loki
  10.  Elvestan
 Why you might ask? Well its in their countles stories of trolls, elves, ogres, the rocks and volcanoes, their viking roots and sagas, and their wonderful , wonderful  sense humour

For Wayne Ng's latest travel adventures and book " Finding the Way: A Novel of Lao Tzu ," please go to his website and blog at...