Friday, September 4, 2015


We know many of you think it strange that strangers take us into their homes. But if you met the hip,urbane Gulla (who waited up until 1a.m. for our arrival) who regale us with stories of trolls, elves, politicians, musicians and Vikings, you wouldn't it was strange anymore.

Then theres my fav chess genius,Bobby Fischer. His last move was at age 64, one for every square on the board. Half Jewish, he secretly arranged his burial in a Lutheran church where a Catholic did a small service, unbeknownst to his family. He never did people very well, but he must have had a way with cats. Two of them guarded his plot and peed on my only sweater while I took this shot. Strange.

And then there's Anna Julia whose sheep farm we stayed in drop dead gorgeous Grundarfjordur. Her'kids' and Olaf were absolute delights.
There are good people in the world.

 Ok Iceland has its quirks. Like the longest lineups on the island.....for Dunkin Donuts (we never said Vikings were smart).
The second longest were for hot lamb dogs. Ok Reagan, Gorbachev, Elvis and Clinton also had one. But we doubt they lined up.
I Fun and strange facts: In this cold climate, nobody consumes more ice cream and coke per capita. There are more sheep, way more sheep than people. And the lamb is heavenly...all free range. And then there's the fish....some of the tastiest anywhere. Veggies? They got geothermal powers greenhouses and heats homes. Some of the crispest greens around. Unions... Everybody belongs to one. Wages and prices are higher than Ontario. Minimum wage is about $14/hr, gas is $2.10/litre. Mosquitos? None.... Maybe that's why Icelanders are so friendly. We saw only a sliver of Iceland. Reykjavik and the standard Golden Circle with Gulla, a couple of great days in the Snaefelsnes Peninsula based at Anna Julia's farm, a couple of days in the south on a quiet dairy and sheep farm by the sublime Dyrhoaey black beach and Vik. Enough to understand why tourism has jumped about 20% a year since 2010. A week doesn't do it justice, but there's ample reason to return. So tak to Iceland and hallo to our friends Jessica and Hilco awaiting us just outside Amsterdam.

For Wayne Ng's latest travel adventures and book " Finding the Way: A Novel of Lao Tzu ," please go to his website and blog at...